Monday, November 30, 2009
Looking Back
Do you ever look back over your life or periods of your life and see the areas where God has been working? Some of those areas are probably fairly easy to spot and some are probably a little more hidden. Often times though, you don't really see what God is doing as he is doing it but instead you see if when you look back at it later on. That's kind of what happened for me as I tried to answer the questions in the email. I had to look back over the last several years as I explained the process of how I went from a guy in the corporate world to an Associate Pastor. As I looked back I could see the times and places where God was preparing me for His plan. There were various points along the way where I thought I knew His plan but it turns out what He wanted was something different. That is pretty common in my life, I think I know the plan but soon find out that I was wrong. God is never wrong! He never wastes anything!
I don't know how helpful I was in my response to the questions I received, afterall, everyone's journey is different, but, I'd like to end this post the same way I ended my email, hopefully it will be helpful to you; "Listen to what God is saying to you and pursue Him and whatever He is calling you to as best as you can, especially if it is pulling you out of your comfort zone. It is only when we are stretched that we can truly grow and only when we give up control that we can truly follow."
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
All or Nothing
2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that "all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." The Bible came from God Himself and is necessary for us to be "thoroughly equipped". 2 Peter 1:20-21 says; "Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." God wrote His word through man, much like I have written these words through a computer keyboard. Man was just the tool that was used and had no more impact on what was written than the keys on my keyboard had on what I have written.
I think we all like to pick and choose which parts of the Bible we choose to follow and which we deliberately disregard or perhaps just ignore. But, if you believe that the entire Bible is inerrant, like I do, you don't have the luxury of disregarding or ignoring it. The Bible is the 100% true word of God please join me in trying to live it out and share it with others.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Don't Miss the Present
The apostle Paul struggled through this problem of being so focused on the future that you miss the present with the church in Thessalonica. Some of the people were so focused on Jesus' return that they stopped working so they could wait for the second coming of Jesus. These people were so excited and eager for the future to come that they stopped living in the present. We do this too. We get so focused on finishing school, getting a new job, etc. that we miss what God would have for us right now.
I have been watching a new show this fall called "Flashforward" in which most everyone on the planet saw a vision of the future during a global blackout. Since waking up from this blackout people are either trying to ensure that the future happens as they saw it or are trying to prevent it from happening. Everyone in the show is living based on these visions of the future which is causing them to change how they live in the present. Only God knows what will happen in the future, only God knows when Jesus will return. While it is good to think ahead or to plan ahead, it is not good to do it at the expense of NOW. Since we do not know when Jesus will return we are to live as if it could happen at any moment, we are to be ready. It is impossible for us to be ready if we are so focused on the future that we miss the present. God has a plan for you for however long you are here or until he comes back, that plan includes today. Don't miss it!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Last night I was deeply challenged by Luke 9:57-62 during a devotional time at our Elder Board Meeting. This passage is about the cost of following Jesus and it reminded me that my life is essentially symbolized by these chairs. I love to be comfortable. Not sitting on a soft seat in a warm house comfortable, but rather, living life without really risking anything comfortable. Most of my life has been lived that way. I tend to avoid things that I think I will fail at or look silly doing. It is hard to risk and avoid failure and/or embarrassment, so, I typically choose the avoidance of failure/embarrassment.
That's not what Jesus calls us to however. Instead, he calls us to step out of the comfort of the boat onto the water. Even when we feel like we have been stretched and gone beyond where we thought we could go, Jesus doesn't leave us there. That's a hard thing and an amazing thing about following Jesus. It can be hard, at first, to see the reward in the "risk vs. reward" equation. But, look back at your life at the times where you have truly followed Jesus into something that felt risky, uncomfortable or even dangerous and what do you see? While it may have been all of those things, it was probably also one of the most rewarding and/or life shaping things you have experienced, right? I look back at my life and I am doing things now that I would never have done 10 years ago, 5 years ago or even 2 years ago. I mean seriously, 10 years ago I never would have guessed that I could or would be a pastor and what on a national level would be considered a medium to large sized church. 2 years ago, I never would have guessed that I would be comfortable driving in to a homeless "encampment" (by myself) to drop someone off after taking them grocery shopping and then sticking around even longer to visit with their "neighbors".
I am an admitted "chicken", but I am also someone that wants to be more like Christ and my hope is that I am willing to trust Him enough to be obedient to His call no matter the potential risk or lack of comfort. I pray that for you as well.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Giving Thanks
- I don't do a great job of recognizing my blessings
- Even when recognized I don't do a good job of expressing my thankfulness for my blessings
- In order to say Thank You, there must be a you to thank and the ultimate object of Thanks should be Jesus
Because of these 3 things, I have been trying to do a better job of recognizing things I am thankful for, expressing that thankfulness and acknowledging who I should thank.
Today I am particularly thankful for my kids. Don't get me wrong, I am always thankful for my kids but today I have thought about it even more due to a phone call (actually 3 phone calls) from my youngest, Halle. Tonight is Dads and Kids pizza night at school and Halle called me (with help from mom) to ask me to take her. I had known about this event for awhile but wasn't planning on attending, after all I don't really need more things taking up my time. But when your 5 year old little sweetie calls you up and asks you to take her and nothing else is going on to prevent us going, how can I say no. After telling her that yes we can go I got to thinking how great it is that she (and my other two kids) wants to spend time with me. 10 years from now I may not be able to say that as she will be 15 and spending time with dad probably won't be high on her list of things she would like to do. But it is not 10 years from it is today, pizza day, and I get to spend the evening with my kids, for that I am very grateful. Thank you God for my kids, for blessing me with them and for loving them so much more than even I do.