Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Removal of a Sabbatical Beard

I must start off with an apology that I haven't had posts of a more meaningful nature lately. I will try in 2012 to have more significant posts. That being said, the post regarding my sabbatical beard has been my 3rd most viewed blog post so maybe you all just want me to do posts that make me look goofy. Well, here's another in that category...the removal of the sabbatical beard.

This is the final full beard picture before removal

Here is the beard combed out

1st partial removal picture

Pretty sweet sideburns

The goatee

Bit of a Fu-Man

Long Stache with some soul

Just the dirty stache

Not sure how much of an improvement this is but here I am with it all gone after about 10 weeks of having the "Sabbatical Beard"
Judging from the many comments that I have received, it seems the majority of people are quite glad that Aaron is back from his sabbatical and therefore my beard is gone. My face is quite a bit more cold now. Perhaps I should start a new beard....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sabbatical Beard

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you probably know that Crosswater's Lead Pastor, Aaron Day, is currently out on sabbatical. What you may not know is that I was encouraged to grow out my facial hair until he returns. This challenge came a couple of weeks into his sabbatical but I already had some stubble going so I am currently at about 10 weeks of growth (Aaron has been gone for just over 11 weeks). The plan is to shave once he gets back but I am currently debating just when shave day will be. Here is a pictorial timeline of beard growth for your enjoyment/disgust.

That's it, no other point for this blog than this update on my sabbatical beard. Since the beard is most likely coming off soon, keep your eyes open for a post on the removal of said sabbatical beard. Don't fall off the edge of your seat waiting though.