We've all made them and we've all broken them. Sometimes, we are accused of making and then breaking promises (usually by our kids who don't always understand the difference between promise vs. possible). Unfortunately we have all been hurt by broken promises and have likely hurt others by breaking promises. That's why I was so encouraged today when reading in Joshua 23:14;
"You know that with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed."
God is faithful! His promises are secure! In a world where keeping your word is less and less common, isn't it reassuring to know that there is someone we can go to that will keep their promises? We don't have to wonder which promises will be kept and when we'll be left hanging. We know without a doubt that He can be trusted. If we know that, shouldn't we trust Him?
God is faithful! His promises are secure! In a world where keeping your word is less and less common, isn't it reassuring to know that there is someone we can go to that will keep their promises? We don't have to wonder which promises will be kept and when we'll be left hanging. We know without a doubt that He can be trusted. If we know that, shouldn't we trust Him?