I have been accused of having a disproportionately sized ego which must be true because any ego at all is really more than we should have. It is also true because there are certainly times in my life where I have been pretty enamored with myself. But, I think for the most part, I do a pretty good job of not getting too excited about me (of course saying that kind of shows a bit of an ego, doesn't it?). Even so, I got a pretty good reality check recently as I was reading in the book of Joshua.
Joshua was pretty successful by our standards (any standards really). He was the leader of God's people after Moses died. He showed incredible courage, after scouting out the promised land, encouraging God's people to go and take the land that had been promised to them. He also led several military-like victories. This was a powerful and successful man.
Unlike most present day leaders in a similar situation, Joshua didn't take the credit himself. In his farewell (he was about to die) speech to his people, he gave all of the credit, all of the glory to God. God has gifted each of us and those gifts can enable us to great things. When we do, who gets the glory? The answer should be God. I needed the reminder as I read Joshua 23 that it is God who has allowed me to have any success that I have had. Sure, I may work hard at something and put in lots of effort. But who gave me life? Who gave me the ability to work hard? Who allowed my efforts to yield good results? God did! So the next time you become enamored with yourself, remember who should get the glory.