Tuesday, September 3, 2013

"Right" In Our Own Eyes

It has been awhile since I have posted one of our Part Time Heroes devotionals on the blog but thought I would do so again today as we are winding up the devotional this week.  If you want to see other days, check out our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CrosswaterChurch
Week 8, Day 2 – Read Judges 14:1-3 

Do you ever have to be told to do what you want to do?  Probably not, in fact, it’s pretty likely that doing what you want comes naturally and that you don’t need a lot of coercion.  That doesn’t mean that there aren’t times where we must show some restraint and not act on every impulse that comes to mind as well as times where we do things that we know we need to do.  Just like with Samson in today’s reading, doing what is right in our own eyes is pretty common.  There is much teaching and thought in society today that we should do what makes us happy, what we feel is right and that others shouldn’t tell us what is right or wrong.  But what happens when doing right in our eyes conflicts with what someone else thinks is right?  Is it still right?  As we have seen throughout the book of Judges, the Israelites had no problem doing right in their own eyes.  But, we have also seen the consequences of their actions.  Doing right in our own eyes may feel good, it might make us happy, but ultimately, if it isn’t what is right in God’s eyes, it will lead to destruction.  God alone is holy and pure and righteous so it is God alone that determines what is right.  Today, ask God to show you where you are doing what is right in your own eyes that doesn’t match up with what he says is right?  Ask Him to give you the eyes to see His way and the strength to follow Him in it.