I've been reading a book called "Shattered Dreams" and a few days ago I came to a part of the book where the author, Larry Crabb, claimed that some people worship God as a "divine vending machine." We are all familiar with how vending machines work, stick in the right amount and form of money push a button and out comes whatever we selected. As I read this analogy I thought, "yep, some people really do treat God that way, this is a great analogy."
Let me take the analogy a little further and see if you recognize any of the behavior. "Insert the correct spiritual change, punch the right button, and God delivers. What do you want? A new zest for life? Godly kids? Coming right up. Just stick in the right coins - daily devotions, disciplined prayer, determined obedience, faithful church attendance. God will do whatever you ask." (Shattered Dreams p. 91)
Problem is, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I too treat God this way at times - I'm a good guy, I read my bible, I try to be obedient, now I would like. . . Or what about when you put in the "correct spiritual change", make your selection and something you didn't want comes out? When that happens with a real vending machine, we may kick or hit the machine or figure out how we can get our money back. Sometimes we do the same thing with God. We stop talking to him, we get angry with him, we blame him, etc.
On my good days, I know that God is not a vending machine. I know that I cannot earn or pay for good things that I want from God. I know that just because I didn't get what I "selected" it doesn't mean that God is broken or that I didn't put in the right amount of spiritual change. But on my bad days, I get frustrated that I don't get what I want, I get upset with God for not giving me what I "deserve" (lucky for me that I don't get what I really deserve). Fortunately I am at a point in my journey where I have more good days than bad. What about you? How do you see God? Is he merely your "devine vending machine" where sometimes you get what you want and other times the "machine" breaks, or is He more than that?
Let me take the analogy a little further and see if you recognize any of the behavior. "Insert the correct spiritual change, punch the right button, and God delivers. What do you want? A new zest for life? Godly kids? Coming right up. Just stick in the right coins - daily devotions, disciplined prayer, determined obedience, faithful church attendance. God will do whatever you ask." (Shattered Dreams p. 91)
Problem is, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I too treat God this way at times - I'm a good guy, I read my bible, I try to be obedient, now I would like. . . Or what about when you put in the "correct spiritual change", make your selection and something you didn't want comes out? When that happens with a real vending machine, we may kick or hit the machine or figure out how we can get our money back. Sometimes we do the same thing with God. We stop talking to him, we get angry with him, we blame him, etc.
On my good days, I know that God is not a vending machine. I know that I cannot earn or pay for good things that I want from God. I know that just because I didn't get what I "selected" it doesn't mean that God is broken or that I didn't put in the right amount of spiritual change. But on my bad days, I get frustrated that I don't get what I want, I get upset with God for not giving me what I "deserve" (lucky for me that I don't get what I really deserve). Fortunately I am at a point in my journey where I have more good days than bad. What about you? How do you see God? Is he merely your "devine vending machine" where sometimes you get what you want and other times the "machine" breaks, or is He more than that?
PJ, This concept of GOD being a vending machine if we put in the work is indeed a significant challenge for many and more personally me. I appreciate this conviction and the requisite change that it is already producing in me. Sometimes, GOD doesn't give us what we want, because HE knows what we need. Other times HE gives us what we want, because it is what HE wants for us and still other times HE gives us what we want to teach us something of HIMSELF or ourselves. Thanks for the blog nice work.