The phrase "In God We Trust" is printed on our money, does that make it true? Of course not! At some point in our history this may have been true, we as a country may have trusted in God (obviously not every single person literally but generally as a nation). I think you would probably agree, however, that this is no longer the case. Now a days it is hard to even get a consensus on who or what God even is, let alone all trust in the same God. The reality though, is that we all trust in something or many somethings whether it is a person (or people), things, ideas, organizations or institutions. Every time you sit down you trust that the seat you are going to sit in can support you. When you climb the stairs, you trust that you won't fall through. When you jump, you trust that you will not float away because gravity will bring you back down.
Over and over we make seemingly little and/or subconscious decisions that require us to trust in someone or something beyond ourselves. The big decisions/choices in our lives also require us to trust, yet, we seem to do a poor job of choosing what we are going to trust in. We put our trust in money, our job, our government leaders, ourselves, our family, our pastor, our kids, etc., etc. The problem with ALL of these things is that they will fail us, they will let us down.
As a pastor it is easy for me to tell you that you should trust in God, THE God, the creator of heaven and earth, after all, that is what I am supposed to say. It's true, but I don't always live like it myself. I struggle with putting my trust in the wrong place(s). Mostly I struggle with trying to do things on my own, in my own strength. This may come as a shock to those of you who know me, but, I am not able to do everything. I am not able to do all that I want to do or even all that I have the ability to do (which kind of sounds like an oxymoron). I, like everything else (other than God), fall short. The good thing about my failure is that it causes me to look back to God and adjust where I put my trust. We have it right on our money now it's time to make that reality in our lives - IN GOD WE TRUST
"I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever." - Psalm 52:8
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