Just like the end of every year brings top-10 lists and reviews of the year coming to a close, a new year brings resolutions and/or goals for the year to come. I don't really get too much into resolutions, but, like everyone else, I have made many of them, some of which lasted for a week or two, some of which lasted longer. What I am more a fan of and have had to do in some form or another for most of my work life is goals. I am not really sure what the technical difference is between resolutions and goals, but I think that goals are more concrete and therefore more likely to be accomplished.
This year, one of the things that I am trying to do is to read the entire Bible in 90 days. Fortunately, I am not doing this on my own, we are doing together as a church body which will likely help me stick with it. While I have read the entire Bible in a year a couple of different times, it wasn't that long ago where reading my bible 90 days in an entire year was a stretch for me. It wasn't that I didn't love Jesus and didn't believe that His word was important, I believed it was, I just didn't let it direct my life like I should have.
One of the dangers of reading through the Bible at this pace is that it can become just a task to check off of a list so I have to be diligent about taking in God's Word and letting Him speak to me through it. So far, I am on schedule and 13.6% of the way through the Bible. I have had new things stick out to me and familiar stories have become fresh again.
God's Word is amazing and I am falling more and more in love with it every day. Even if you don't try to read the entire Bible in 90 days, I encourage you to get into God's Word every day. Spend time with Him, apply what you learn, and go back for more. While many books can be enjoyable and helpful, this is the only one that is living and active and the only one written by the God who created us. What an amazing gift!
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