Awhile ago I did a blog post on a sign that I saw at Jimmy Johns (Jimmy Johns is a really good sandwich shop) and when I was there again recently, I saw the sign above and thought that it warranted a post. So, it looks like we have a series now; Lessons From a Sandwich Shop. Here is part 2.
It is human nature to want more than we have or at least different than we have. In America, that mindset really fuels the economy. Madison Avenue works diligently to convince us that what we have is not enough, that we must have the next, the bigger, the better. I am no different than most people. I have an iPod Touch and an iPhone, yet, I would really like an iPad2. I have a 42" HDTV but a bigger TV would be really cool. The possibilities for how this plays out are pretty much endless and unfortunately for many people includes spouses/families, don't like the one you've got, just get a new one.
That's where the wisdom of a sign at a sandwich shop comes in. When do we stop wanting more? When is the more that we already have enough? As the sign in the picture says; "the gap...never closes." If our focus is on stuff or money, we will never be satisfied because we can always have more than what we currently have.
Matthew 6:19-21 says this "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Store up things that matter, "treasures in heaven", and stop buying in to the lies that Madison Avenue tells us. Let God be enough and instead of striving for latest and greatest maybe you can help the millions for people around the world who don't even have food or water.
Isn't it amazing what you can get with a sandwich?
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