In the grand scheme of things one year isn't very long, yet, when we reach the end of a year and think about all the things that have happened, it is easy to see why countless year in review lists are done at the end of each year. Well, why should my blog be any different? While I am pretty busy, I don't really consider my day-to-day life as being all that exciting or eventful. However, there are several things that stick out to me from the past year, most of which has been documented on facebook and/or twitter, here are some of them;

This year I was fortunate to baptize two of my three children. More than just the fact that I baptised them, I am so excited to see them choose to follow Jesus, and even more so to see Jesus in their lives.

In the summer my son, JD, and I were able to attend a Mariner game with friends of ours and got to witness our first no-hitter which was thrown by 6 different Mariner pitchers.

In November my wife surprised me with a trip to see a good friend of mine in Hawaii. I hadn't seen him for almost a year and as it turns out, he moved to the Philippines just a couple of weeks after I left. The warning signs to the right were at the start of a hike that we did but they are also a greater analogy for life. We are faced with many hazards, obstacles and difficulties but if we let all of those stop us on our journey we won't get to experience much of the amazing things that happen.
This is my amazing family. I am incredibly blessed to have the wife and kids that I have and I look forward to the time that I have ahead of me with these four amazing people and wait with anticipation the addition of our 5th family member.