Thursday, August 2, 2012

I Hope You've Learned Your Lesson

Have you ever heard the statement, "I hope you've learned your lesson"?  I am sure that most of  us were given that gem more than once growing up by our parents after we had done something we weren't supposed to and then suffered the consequences.  Well, this morning the tables were turned a little bit for me as I was laughing at Jesus' disciples and their failure to learn their lesson.

I've been reading through the book of Matthew and yesterday in my reading (Matthew 14) I came across the story of Jesus feeding 5,000 people with basically a sack lunch.  Today in my reading (Matthew 15) Jesus and the disciples are presented with a similar issue (a large group of people and very little food to feed them with) and the disciples ask Jesus where they could possibly get enough food to feed all of the people. 

I am not sure how much time had passed since the events of chapter 14 but I know it wasn't very long.  That's why as I was reading this question from the disciples, I was completely dumbfounded as to how the disciples had already seemingly forgotten what Jesus had done to feed the 5,000.  Here they are with probably fewer people (4,000 plus women and children), actually more food, and someone who has done this before, yet, they are genuinely concerned about how these people are going to eat.

However, I quickly stopped by chuckling as I realized how often I have to learn the same lesson over and over again from Jesus.  Suddenly the disciples behavior wasn't nearly as funny.  It was deeply convicting though.  Why is it that Jesus can come through for me in amazing ways, reveal Himself in spectacular fashion, comfort me in times of doubt and I can so easily forget all of these things the next time I am in a similar situation?

It is easy to look at the disciples and even easier to look at those around me and wonder why they just can't seem to get it.  It is a lot harder to look at myself and realize that I am just as clueless, if not more, than everyone else.  I know that Jesus can be trusted, that He loves me and that His way is the best way, but, I don't always remember those things.  I am still learning my lesson!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. It's easy for me to have faith for others, but when it comes to faith for my situations I am much weaker! I do have to remind myself of all the other times God has always taken care of me and come through, then my faith is strengthened.
