"We wait in hope for the Lord;
he is our help and our shield"
If your hope is in anyone else it is false hope http://bible.us/Ps33.20.NIV84
Amazingly blessed to have been married to my wife for 17yrs today #morethanideserve
A shield doesn't do you any good in battle unless you have it w/ you and actually use it. #Godisgood http://bible.us/59/pro.30.5.esv
Part 2 of date day, Kerry Park http://instagr.am/p/Ve4arTP86e/
How often do you look straight up. Well here is a shot straight up in downtown Seattle http://instagr.am/p/Vxa5GqP85j/
".why do you stand looking into the sky?" Has God called u to something but u r standing around? #doit http://bible.us/100/act.1.11.nasb
ANY change to THE gospel makes it no longer THE gospel. b careful of false teaching / selfish desires they r a quick path to a false gospel
Having one of those days where "customer service" isn't much of a service to this customer
Way 2 go Bearcats. Great group of young men that I was blessed to coach pic.twitter.com/aGYeauSSAK
"We are saved from our sin ultimately because Jesus decided to do something 2000 years ago" - David Platt, Follow me
Every day that includes Dick's Drive-in is a good day http://instagram.com/p/XqBzpeP84I/
Good article about the danger of watching people's "perfect" lives on facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. http://www.relevantmagazine.com/culture/tech/stop-instagramming-your-perfect-life …
When does McDonald's qualify as a trendy study spot? When you are in Sultan http://instagram.com/p/X59vkuP8yx/
Know someone who is adopting internationally? Watch #Stuck and get a glimpse of what they r going through. Lets get these kids #unstuck
History of Christian Music compilation performed by @yeshuam02 and @aaronpday These guys rocked it
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uZ-zBITqkc&feature=youtu.be …
They wanted Jesus 2 leave bcuz He was cramping their style. Do u want 2 be like Him or want Him 2 b like u? http://bible.us/59/mat.8.34.esv
God didn't send Jesus to condemn us, we were already tried and convicted. He came to get us off of death row http://bible.us/59/jhn.3.17.esv
Jesus knows something about this. U can only do it if u love others more than u love yourself #truelove http://bible.us/59/jhn.15.13.esv …
Graduation time with my nephew #proudmoment http://instagram.com/p/alsQtsv83Q/
Mariners blow a 7-0 lead with Felix on the mound...must mean one thing... #FootballSeasonIsComing
Sin promises joy, happiness, fun... but leads to death. God promises eternal life through Jesus and He delivers on His promises
Rom 6:23
Check out this awesome float for our VBS http://instagram.com/p/bttGyRP8__/
14u Koufax State Champions http://instagram.com/p/b0CmZXP89J/
When wearing #Husky gear what else would you order at #TheRam then the Husky Pounder, one pound of… http://instagram.com/p/cdJNztv85v/
It's more important 2 follow God than 2 look like u follow God. Where do u need to stop pretending? #Mark7 http://bible.com/59/mrk.7.6.esv
Things heard on 1st century basketball courts - "U cant even untie the strap of my sandals" #looseparaphrase #Luke3:16
Jesus spent all night talking to God, why do I have trouble going longer than 5 minutes? #Luke6 #PerspectiveChange
Salt that loses its saltiness is not even good enough for the manure pile (Luke 14:34-35) If we r the salt of the earth, this is a heads up
My boy @JD2Eight & his awesome date @Holland_Aucoin getting pictures b4 their 1st #homecoming #havefun #allgrownup pic.twitter.com/DOKl0ITM4F
Great hike to Cathedral Rock in Sedona today http://instagram.com/p/ftv4J5v8_T/
this morning I managed 2 accomplish something I've never done before...how many days can you say that when you're 38? #speedingticket #GoMe
Doing some research 4 my sermon this week and remembered #ForeverLazy pajama suits. Does anyone actually own one of these? #stopthemadness
I must be doing a good job as a father, while watching #USCvsORST my daughter is whistling the #USC fight song without even knowing it
Check out this sweet video from @CrosswaterCC and join us for our new series on Sunday #regift
I would just like to take a minute to express my love for the WA State Health Exchange website #amazing #governmentsuccessstory
What r your fears? Now, remember that God didn't give us a spirit of fear but of #Power, #Love & #Selfcontrol (2 Tim 1:7) Live from that!
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