Thursday, November 18, 2010


As one of two pastors at Crosswater, part of my job is to occasionally preach. If you know me at all, though, you know that I am not really a big fan of preaching. I'm not talking about preaching in general, I am a fan of that. What I am referring to is me preaching. While I do get nervous as "gametime" approaches, it is not speaking in front of 200ish people that causes me to avoid preaching whenever possible. The main factors are probably a combination of how serious I take the responsibility and the idea that I would much rather hear Aaron (or many other preachers) than myself, so why would anyone else want to hear me (this is not an attempt to fish for compliments).

What I do enjoy about preaching is the opportunity to learn and to grow. I don't always like what God wants to tell me through my preparation as I am usually quite convicted as I prepare to teach. But whether I like it or not, God always has something for me personally and something for me to share. I am pretty sure, though, that I get more out of the whole process than anyone who may hear the sermon.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Unexpected Rest

Most of the time, I consider my schedule to be only marginally busy, however, lately I have been feeling like things are pretty crazy. My schedule hasn't changed a lot, it really is just the amount of things that I have been thinking about and through that has increased the time where my brain has to be engaged. Between church membership, completion of By-laws, reading Crazy Love for small group, going to a 2-day conference and just all the normal things of life, my mind is swimming with thoughts, ideas, conviction, etc.

Throughout all of these things, I have actually found rest via a torn tendon in my shoulder. My shoulder has been bothering me for about 14 months and I finally decided to get it checked out. Doing so has so far led to approximately 20 minutes in an MRI tube and today 15 minutes on a training table receiving electric stimulation for my shoulder. Who would have thought that both of those things would be so relaxing?

My mind has been on overload with all that I have been thinking, hearing, reading and preparing, which as forced me to go to the Word, where I have found true rest. I am learning more and more that Jesus is enough and He alone is my reward. I hope that you too can rest in that.