Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I was listening to the radio recently on my way to work and heard the morning show host share a quote that she had heard.  Normally, this is when I would have changed the station or just not paid attention but for some reason, on this day, I actually listened to what she said and found it to be interesting.  The quote was, "If you were to judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it would live it's life thinking it was dumb."

Now who in their right mind would judge a fish's ability to climb a tree, it obviously would be really bad at climbing trees.  Which, of course, is the point.  Fish weren't designed to climb trees, they were designed to swim and, as such, they do so really well.  We too are designed with a purpose.  Ultimately our purpose is to honor and glorify God but how we each do that is different.  We have all been given different skills and passions which are intended for us to use in honoring and glorifying God.  When we are living out of those skills and passions, life is more fulfilling and we are doing a better job of honoring God.

Too often we try to be like someone else.  While it is great to have role models and examples in our life, we shouldn't try to be someone else.  We all have gifts and abilities, some might be unknown to us and some might be undeveloped.  But, when we try to live out of someone else's giftedness, we are not being the person that we were designed to be.

Unfortunately there are some things that we need to do that aren't always what we are skilled at or passionate about (dishes, lawn care, vacuuming, etc.) but as responsible people, we still need to do them.  However, if you aren't using your skills and passions, you are like a fish trying to climb a tree.  God made you the way He did for a purpose, He has a plan for your life.  Are you living according to His purpose for you, or, are you living outside of that purpose?  My encouragement to you is to live how you were designed to live and stop trying to be someone or something else.