Saturday, July 3, 2010


Have you read the book of Hosea lately (or ever)? I have read it before but usually as part of a bible reading plan where I read a little Old Testament and a little New Testament each day, I've never really spent much time in the book or given it a whole lot of thought. I am spending some time in Hosea right now though; thinking about it, trying to draw application from it and praying about what God may be showing me.

Hosea had it rough! God asked him to marry a woman that would cheat on him (multiple times) and have kids with other dudes. I don't know about you, but if I knew prior to getting married that my wife would be unfaithful, I highly doubt that I would get married. Hosea obeyed God and married Gomer anyway. Do you know what happened? Yep, she cheated on him and had kids with other guys. Then God asked him to take her back and Hosea did.

In our society, Hosea would be considered a doormat, he would be considered stupid or foolish. But, if that is the criteria, we would have to consider God to be stupid or foolish too. Hosea's life is a picture of God's relationship with His people. We, like Gomer (Hosea's wife), cheat on God, we turn our backs on Him, we leave Him for others. God, on the other hand, remains faithful. He loves us so much that He takes us back over and over again.

I have only read through chapter 3 of Hosea so far, but so far, I have found a few applications.
  1. God may ask me to do something that is hard or even seems impossible. When He does, I need to be obedient to Him, trust Him and rely on His strength.
  2. I need to stop being like Gomer and Israel. I need to stop cheating and let God be enough for me.
  3. God never stops loving me even though I continually turn my back on Him through my actions, yet, how often do I limit my love for others because they hurt me. I need to be like Hosea who was willing to take his wife back and even literally paid to do so because that was what God called him to do. I need to obey God and love others, even if it means I will be opening myself up to more pain and hurt.

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