Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm Pretty Much a Communication Expert

If you are married, you will probably relate to what happened with my wife and me today. We had to drive about 45 miles (one way) during rush hour traffic to an appointment to get our fingerprints taken for our adoption. Without traffic, this drive would have taken approximately 50 minutes but since we were supposed to be there at 8:00am, we anticipated the drive to be about 1 hour and 20 minutes, which it was but as we were sitting in traffic, we were certain that we were going to be late. We ended up getting to the facility about 8 minutes early only to discover that we needed $7 cash to park. Unfortunately neither of us had any cash, nor was there anywhere else obvious to park. My thought was that we should look for somewhere to get cash, her thought was that we should look for somewhere else to park. The problem was that neither of us really communicated what we were thinking yet we were each trying to solve the problem. As you can imagine, this led to some frustration and bickering (as well as a half mile jog/walk once we finally parked).

I don't really have any profound point to make other than the obvious comment that communication is important in pretty much anything we do. So with that amazing nugget, I encourage you to follow the advice of Jesus' brother James who said in James 1:19 "...Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry..." Being quick to offer grace and forgiveness is probably a good idea in these situations as well.

My wife and I quickly got over the situation but it is quite safe to say that we won't be competing on "The Amazing Race" together, though we probably would be entertaining to watch.

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