Monday, May 7, 2012

Guest Post from our Children's Director

One of the great things about being a pastor is the amazing people that I get to work alongside of. I have met many great people over the years working in various jobs, but being able to work with fellow believers where I am encouraged, challenged and loved is a tremendous blessing. One of the amazing people that I work with is our Children's Director, Cherie. Cherie is an amazing, Godly women, with tons of wisdom and a heart first for Jesus and also for the kids of Crosswater, including my own kids. The following is something she wrote about her recent trip to Haiti for a Vacation Bible School;
“Nan Wo is an amazing area mostly comprised of farmland with crops varying from onions and tomatoes to rice and corn. The community is tightly knit with homes sitting close together along the main road leading through the valley. Homes are made mostly of stone and sticks with dirt floors. These houses are not much bigger than many people's family rooms here in the U.S. The church/school that Hope in Haiti has built and where we stayed is like a beacon to many in this area. It is, by far, the nicest building in the valley. The only community well is located here and many use it on a daily basis. I could see the effect that our (Crosswater Church's) and many other's support has had on this community. I see God working in an amazing way through Pastor Louinet and his staff. Pastor has a heart for people. I think that's what really stuck with me....people, not things, are what matter in this life. Use things to bless people but INVEST in people to make a true difference. I know this to be true and it was so good to see that being lived out by Pastor Louinet, his family and those he is discipling. Pastor has his work cut out for him as there are many people in the area that are still in bondage to voodoo. We got to see that first-hand after church the Sunday before Easter. There was a huge voodoo "ra-ra" group that came through and stopped at people's houses. If people desired, they could pay the ra-ra group to perform and ask Satan to bless their homes. The ra-ra group was also celebrating the death of Christ on the cross....His death, not His resurrection. The people may proclaim to believe in Christ but their faith is marred by the thought that they need to have Satan's protection too. They want to have all their bases covered, so to speak. Pastor is trying hard to help people see that true freedom is through Christ alone. The Vacation Bible School that we sponsored and put on for the school children is one way we hope to help break that cycle of bondage and to help children see their worth in Christ and the freedom they have in Him. Our theme was "Be a Light for Jesus" and that's what we hope this future generation is for the community of Nan Wo.”
Who are you investing in? Are things getting in the way of investing in people? I encourage you to first Love God with all that you have and are, next love your neighbor as yourself. Thank you Cherie for being a tremendous example of both!

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