Thursday, October 11, 2012


Is it possible to be truly connected when it is through a computer, smart phone or tablet that you are connecting?  Well, it depends on what you mean by connected.  If I am talking about truly connecting with people, then I would say no, it's not possible to truly connect through a computer, smart phone or tablet.  But, what if I am talking about connected to God?

We live in the most technologically advanced time in the history of the world and unless something happens along the lines of the new TV show "Revolution", our society is only going to get more and more advance technologically.

In the June issue of "Christianity Today" (yes, I am a little behind) there is a section talking about how technology can help us better engage the bible and therefore, connect with God.  As someone who frequently uses technology in that way, I thought it would make for a good post to hopefully help you do the same.

I am fortunate to have an iPad as well as an iPhone and I am happy to report that I use each of them for more than playing games, watching movies and browsing the Internet (though I have done all of those things on both devices).  In addition, to game apps, sports apps, and news/media apps, I also have several bible related apps.  While i'll admit that there are some that I really never use, the one I want to highlight to you is simply,  the Bible app.

The Bible app is published by YouVersion and is great way to always be just seconds away from the Bible.  If you have a tablet or smart phone, you simply must have this app.  YouVersion has 160 versions of the bible in 51 different languages making it virtually impossible not to find a version/translation that you don't like.  In addition, YouVersion allows you to set up all sorts of different reading plans.  Want to read the bible in a year, no problem.  In 90 days, piece of cake (at least when it comes to setting up the plan).  As well as many other plans.  One of the things I like the best about the app (other than simply having quick access to the bible) is the ability to share passage on Twitter or Facebook with just a couple of touches.  YouVersion makes it easy to get to a book, chapter and verse, as well as easily bookmark, highlight and make notes.  This is an outstanding app that everyone with a tablet or smart phone should have.

While there are many drawbacks to technology and our increasing dependence on it, technology can also be a great help in keeping us connected to God's word.  While you can certainly carry an actual bible around with you all the time, let's be honest, how many of us actually do that?  YouVersion and many other apps/technologies are a great way to stay connected to God by being connected to His word.

Please let me know if you have questions about this app or other apps and please let me know if you know of any great apps that help keep you connected to God.


  1. This is a good point. I still prefer paper, but sometimes I'm too lazy to go across the house and get it. But my phone or Kindle are usually within reach... I read more frequently, and get more answers with tech.

  2. I'm also a paper first kind of guy, but I'm slowly drifting into the 21st century.
    My parent's church has started using YouVersion for posting all of their sermon outlines for the congregation to follow along.
    -Brandon Gloor
