Monday, September 14, 2009

Peanut Jelly and Butter

Peanut Jelly and Butter? Isn't that backwards? Nope, I actually meant to write it like that. Life is kind of like that too. What seems backwards to us is actually the way God meant for it to be. God does not do things our way even though we may want him to, even beg him to. Fortunately for us, God's way is better than our way (even if it doesn't always feel like it). Only he can see the entire picture yet we look at our little piece of the picture and try to tell Him how things should be.
This is a lesson that I am constantly learning and as I continue to learn this lesson (and many others) I will attempt to share my thoughts with you here on The "Other" Pastor. I will probably also share some ramblings, things going on in my life and at Crosswater and hopefully some encouragement.
So what's with the title Peanut Jelly and Butter? Probably not all that interesting but I will tell you anyway. A few people call me PJ (Pastor Jon) and as we were talking about the idea of me doing a blog the title Pastor Jon's Blog came up which then turned into PJ's Blog which turned into PJB which kind of sounds like PB&J which of course is Peanut Butter and Jelly so then that got turned into Peanut Jelly and Butter so the acronym PJB would work. Got it? Hey, you asked!

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