Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have wanted chairs like these for quite some time. They aren't all that practical for a family (especially if you only have 3 chairs and 5 people in your family) but they sure are comfortable. Look how far that middle chair is reclining. These would be great for me as I watch football, watch movies (I do more of both of those things than I should admit), or just take a snooze on a blustery fall day. The best ones are the ones with the power buttons to bring up the leg rest and to recline. And look at the cup holders, 4 cup holders for 3 chairs, I could have my diet coke right there ready for me and wouldn't even have to lean over to grab it off a table.

Last night I was deeply challenged by Luke 9:57-62 during a devotional time at our Elder Board Meeting. This passage is about the cost of following Jesus and it reminded me that my life is essentially symbolized by these chairs. I love to be comfortable. Not sitting on a soft seat in a warm house comfortable, but rather, living life without really risking anything comfortable. Most of my life has been lived that way. I tend to avoid things that I think I will fail at or look silly doing. It is hard to risk and avoid failure and/or embarrassment, so, I typically choose the avoidance of failure/embarrassment.

That's not what Jesus calls us to however. Instead, he calls us to step out of the comfort of the boat onto the water. Even when we feel like we have been stretched and gone beyond where we thought we could go, Jesus doesn't leave us there. That's a hard thing and an amazing thing about following Jesus. It can be hard, at first, to see the reward in the "risk vs. reward" equation. But, look back at your life at the times where you have truly followed Jesus into something that felt risky, uncomfortable or even dangerous and what do you see? While it may have been all of those things, it was probably also one of the most rewarding and/or life shaping things you have experienced, right? I look back at my life and I am doing things now that I would never have done 10 years ago, 5 years ago or even 2 years ago. I mean seriously, 10 years ago I never would have guessed that I could or would be a pastor and what on a national level would be considered a medium to large sized church. 2 years ago, I never would have guessed that I would be comfortable driving in to a homeless "encampment" (by myself) to drop someone off after taking them grocery shopping and then sticking around even longer to visit with their "neighbors".

I am an admitted "chicken", but I am also someone that wants to be more like Christ and my hope is that I am willing to trust Him enough to be obedient to His call no matter the potential risk or lack of comfort. I pray that for you as well.

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