Thursday, February 18, 2010

Life Giving

I am fortunate as a pastor to be part of a network of other pastors that meet regularly to discuss different topics and ideas as well as to encourage each other and pray for one another. Honestly though, when the third Thursday comes around each month, I usually am not so excited about going to our monthly network gathering except for the free lunch that I will get if I go. Today wasn't really any different but I agreed to go, mostly because it was in Monroe and at a restaurant that I hadn't been to but wanted to try. Although I wasn't super excited to go, by the time I left the meeting, I was glad I had been there (and not just because I liked my lunch).

A couple of things at this meeting got me thinking. The first was the question, "what are you involved in (outside of church) that is life giving?" This question was asked of each of us and we went around the room sharing our answers (never a favorite of mine). I shared about coaching baseball (and now softball) in the local Little League and how much I enjoyed pouring into the kids, getting to know families and developing those relationships. While there is certainly a lot about coaching that is draining and hard, I really do enjoy teaching these kids how to play a game that I love and trying to shape them and mold them into young men that work hard, persevere, respect others and have fun. I try to model to them what it looks like to be a man of integrity and humility and show them who Jesus is by the way I live my life.

This resonated with me for a couple of reasons. First, I was reminded how important it is to do things that are life giving, to be filled up so you can pour back out. Coaching does both for me. Second, as I heard others talk about the life giving things in their lives, I thought of how often churches come up with programs and events trying to get people to come to us rather than going out and being the church. Now don't get me wrong, I think that we should have programs and events, I just think that we need to be careful not to rely on programs and events at the expense of living out our faith in our daily lives.

Jesus is the ultimate life giver (literally) and it is through Him that we have true life. Look for ways that you can be filled up (given life) AND for places where you can pour out (giving life). GO AND BE THE CHURCH.

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