Thursday, March 17, 2011


Do you keep up with all the news and information on the economy? For some people, the economy is the most pressing issue that we are facing today in the U.S. (pretty sure that I don't agree with that assessment, but some are very concerned/interested) and it certainly has an impact on all of our lives. While I am not an expert in economics or finance, it is not too hard to see that part of the problem in the U.S. is that we are mostly a consumer society. Take a look at the products that you buy and you will see; "Made in China", "Made in Vietnam", "Made in India", etc, etc. We don't make anything any more!

Unfortunately, that same mentality is prevalent in our churches. Many church-goers are consumers, they come to a church because they like what they receive whether it is concert quality worship, dynamic preaching, great children's ministry, etc. While I do believe that churches should be attractional and that whatever a church decides to do, they should do well, the hard part is when people hop from church to church because they don't like what they are receiving. Far too often, churches grow in the U.S. not due to new people giving their lives to Jesus (what we in the church call conversion growth) but instead by people coming from another church because they like what a new or different church offers that their current church doesn't.

That being said, part of my motivation for writing this post, is to make you aware of a cool web-based animation software that allows anyone to make animated movies. The site is called Xtranormal and to show off what can be done, I made a video that kind of mocks the consumer mentality of some church-goers (hoping that you would really like it and think that Crosswater is really cool and that you would want to come to Crosswater).

Thanks to whoever made the video "My Coach Sucks" as that was my inspiration for this movie.

I do understand that some (probably more like all) churches can be frustrating and certainly won't be able to meet every need. However, I encourage you to get involved, have discussions with the staff/leadership and if necessary help come up with solutions rather than just go somewhere else.

As always, feel free to let me know your thoughts. Oh, and if you have ideas for videos, let me know those too.

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